Make Some Coin In Your Own Kitchen

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A mate of mine who lives out in Barcelona is a shit hot chef. Joel Serra Bevin is the man behind the Papalosophy brand, and his cookbook is worth getting hold of if you like your Catalan cooking. It’s also probably the most incredibly photographed cook book I’ve ever seen. Really stonking publishing quality, check out the link below. Anyway enough of that, Joel’s got a great idea for you if you’ve got some game in the kitchen…

Check Out VizEat

He’s part of a company called VizEat.  It started off life as an idea for chefs to make a bit of extra cash by opening up their houses, and cooking for paying punters to come sit at their dining table with them and have a top foodie immersive experience.


Unleash Your Inner Roux, Sign Up As A Host

As the business moved on they realized we live in a world of some pretty tasty amateur chefs, and so it’s opened up even further. And the limits of where this can go are only limited by whether you and me back ourselves enough to cook for paying guests, run food tours, or just get people together in your favourite lesser known spots in town.

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Top Rated App

I love the idea of it, as do Apple who voted it in the top 3 Food and Drink apps of 2016. The otherside of my kitchen refurb and I’m seriously considering it. In the meantime I want to check out what’s available right now in London. There’s loads of big cities round Europe with signed up hosts, so do check it out.

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Anything with Joel attached is likely to be great food and really well presented…sorry that sounded a bit bromance-y, but I’m a big fan of his!




Check out the VizEat Homepage

VizEat Locations in Europe include: Florence, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Marrakech, Istanbul, Lisbon

 Also check out Joel’s Cookbook 





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